• Large piece of card
  • Coloured pens (or paints – try mixing your own colours)
  • A bag
  • Ask your child to choose some coloured pens
  • Use each pen to colour small sections on the card (Jacob and I did this together) – see photo
  • Explain that you are going to go on a ‘colour hunt’ and try to find one thing for each colour while out for a walk
  • Discuss some of the things for each colour that you might see
  • Take the card on the walk with you, using it to match things you find (as close to the colour as possible)
  • Discuss if the items you find are lighter, darker or the same. You can also discuss textures and shapes (developing language)
  • When you find something which matches, place it in the bag to take home
  • At home, place each item next to the colour (or you could try sticking them, depending on the items, to make a poster)
  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design