For this activity, Jacob worked on the segmenting and blending of CVC words using the first set of letter sounds from Phase 2. However, this could be easily adapted to use any other letter sounds (please see my information section for strategies to support the teaching of segmenting and blending linked to the phases of phonics).

  • Three cups
  • Card (two colours)
  • Pen
  • Scissors 
  • Cut the card into small squares
  • Write two sets of the consonant letter sounds on one colour card
  • Write the vowel letter sounds on the other colour card
  • Place the cups in a row
  • Place one set of consonants in each of the outside cups
  • Place the vowels in the middle cup
  • Ask your child to take one consonant, one vowel and then another consonant (one from each cup) and put them together to make a word
  • Ask your child to read the word using segmenting and blending skills
  • Discuss whether the word is a real word or a nonsense word
  • Ask your child to write down any real words which they make
  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy